Check out our art workThis term the children have been looking at the artist Poonac and have been creating their own versions of his work. We have experimented with pencils and charcoal, using these to create different faces on paper - just like Poonac did. The children loved using the charcoal but found it to be very messy! Have a look at our work so far. We absolutely loved coming to school in pyjamas and Pudsey themed clothes today! The children were all very excited to show off their outfits and found it really funny that we had pyjamas on.
Class 2 engaged so well with their science lessons last term - We definitely have some super scientists in our class!
The children learned all about different materials and explored these - discovering their different textures and how they can be manipulated. The children even did an experiment to find out which material would be best to use for an umbrella! The children all decided that the plastic material would be best. Come and ask us all about our science topic last term. Class 2 settled back into school life wonderfully last term and did lots of super learning.
In their writing lessons, the children looked at the story 'Room on the Broom' and did lots of super writing in their books, writing the names of characters and the different objects that were dropped in the story. The children even looked at adjectives and thought of some super words to describe the characters in the story! We have some super mathematicians in class 2! The children worked so incredibly hard in their maths sessions last term and really blew Miss Baranski's socks off! The children were all really proud of what they had achieved and loved showing their work to the adults in class. We can't wait to see what the children achieve this half term. |
Class 2
Welcome!Welcome to Class 2. We all love working hard, trying our very best and having some fun! Archives
November 2024
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