Praise Page
This week our Learners of the Week have really gone above and beyond. Putting in huge amounts of effort and seeing the rewards of hteir hard work. Well done everyone.
Meet our Learners of the Week. These fantastic young people have really demonstrated a positive attitude to school this week, with enthusiasm for their learning and increased confidence and engagement. Well done all of you for being brilliant!
Our Learner of the Week in F1 this week has settled in superbly and is using his words well to express himself. Well done!
Congratulations to Class 9 who have regained the attendance trophy this week. We also celebrated Class 1 and Class 6 in assembly today. They were both awarded a Class of the Week trophy and £5 for their class fund as recognition of all their their fabulousness!
Congratulations to these two fabulous writers who have produced some exceptional pieces. It is now proudly displayed on our Writing Stars display.
Wow, what a wonderful writer we have in Y4! Her piece about an 'Angel Cat' is very informative and well written. I'm not sure about a cat eating nutella and whipped cream for dessert though! You can now read her piece in the entrance hall on the writing display, see what you think.
Meet our very first Learners of the Week for 2025. What a way to start the year!
We are very proud of all these individuals for their efforts this week and their positive attitude to school. Keep it up!
We are very proud of all these individuals for their efforts this week and their positive attitude to school. Keep it up!
Class 8 scooped the double today! 100% attendance so winners of the attendance trophy and they also claimed the Class of the Week trophy too. Well done Class 8.
Congratulations to this fabulous writer who has produced a wonderful piece. We are super impressed and it is now on display for all to see on our Writing Stars display in the entrance.
Class 8 are our winners of the attendance award this week with 98.1%. Wow! Well done Class 8. Meanwhile, Class 9 were presented with the Class of the Week trophy and £5 for their cashpot for their ongoing efforts to improve learning behaviours and for the way in which they support one another, peer assess and give one another advice. Congratulations Class 9.
Meet our Learners of the Week. Nominations this week included, ‘outstanding effort and perseverance in all areas of learning’, ‘working hard to make improvements’, ‘being conscientious, calm and focused’ and for ‘being incredibly kind and caring towards others’. We feel very lucky to have these wonderful children in our school Well done all!
This young lady has been super enthusiastic in F1 this week, especially in PE. Well done for being awarded the Learner of the Week Award!
Meet our swimmer of the week who has been recognised for her super efforts this week. What a star! Well done.
Congratulations to Class 5, winners of the Class of the Week trophy and, of course, £5 too! The attendance trophy this week goes to Class 4 who achieved 100% attendance - how fantastic. Well done to both classes.
Meet our Learners of the Week. What a fantastic group of children they are. This week the nominations have included references to enthusiastic, hardworking and engaged learners, who are increasing in confidence and contributing to their class superbly. A few children were also noted as having produced fantastic writing. Well done all of you.
Congratulations to Class 3, winners of the Attendance Trophy this week!
Meet our Learners of the Week, what a fantastic group of young people. Their attitude to learning, positivity and careful thinking has been noted this week and they have brightened our day with their wonderfulness!
Congratulations to this little star in F1 who has been demonstrating AMAZING maths skills this week! A well deserved recipient of the Learner of the Week Award. Well done!
Congratulations to our girls who recorded a 1-0 against Laithes Primary this afternoon. What a team!
What a truly fantastic group of young people we have here! They have demonstrated some amazing skills this week in school and have been giving everything 100%. As such, they are worthy winners of the Learner of the Week Award in their class. Well done everyone!
On Monday this week Key Stage 1 were lucky to welcome Florence Nightingale into school for the day. They were all very excited and demonstrated excellent learning behaviours, engaging in the activities and deepening their understanding of what a difference Florence made. As a result of their fantastic day, all three Key Stage 1 classes will share the Class of the Week Award this week.
In KS2 Class 6 were the winners of the trophy, having shown increasingly positive learning behaviours and following routines to maximise learning time this week!
Class 9 meanwhile were the winners (again!) of the attendance trophy, making it four weeks at the top.
In KS2 Class 6 were the winners of the trophy, having shown increasingly positive learning behaviours and following routines to maximise learning time this week!
Class 9 meanwhile were the winners (again!) of the attendance trophy, making it four weeks at the top.
Class 3 have been working particularly hard this week to improve their learning behaviours and their interactions with one another and it has shown. Well done Class 3. We are also very impressed with the attendance across school this week, with Class 9 being awarded the trophy this week.
Meet our KS1 and KS2 Learners of the Week, what a fabulous group of young people! They have demonstrated a range of positive attributes this week including being enthusiastic in their learning, being a role model to others and always trying their best, no matter how tricky the task. Well done to you all.
This young man has been SO enthusiastic this week in F1, a real superstar. Congratulations on being the Learner of the Week.
Class 3 have shown real improvement in their learning behaviours and attitudes towards one another. As such they were awarded the Class of the Week trophy in KS1. Attendance was improved across school this week, but it was Class 9 who were triumphant and take the trophy.
We were delighted to be presented with a trophy from the Football Association today in recognition of providing equal access to football for girls in our school. This truly is an achievement and we are very proud.
This young man in Y2 has produced an excellent piece of writing that is definitely worthy of a space on our Writing Stars display. Well done!
Meet our Y4 swimmer of the Week, what an effort she has put in this week! Well done.
This young lady has produced an exceptional piece of writing which is now on our school writing stars display. We think she is amazing! Well done.
Congratulations to all of our Learners of the Week who enjoyed their lunch on Top Table today. You should feel very proud of yourselves and all your efforts which resulted in your nomination. Well done!
Sitting on Top Table for lunch today I was joined by these fabulous young people. Each one selected as Learner of the Week in their class for being a little extra brilliant this week! Well done to all of you.
Class 1 and Class 8 have received the Class of the Week trophies today for their hard work and efforts this week, with another £5 each for their class fund too. It was lovely to hear how both classes have been working super hard, showing resilience and supporting one another.
This young lady in F1 must be exhausted this week. She has been finding pairs and matching, counting and subitising, what a superstar!
Her Learner of the Week Award is very well deserved.
Her Learner of the Week Award is very well deserved.
What super Learners of the Week we have this week! These children have demonstrated a positive attitude to school and to learning and we are exceptionally proud of them for all their hard work.
Congratulations to Class 3 and Class 8 for being awarded the Class of the Week trophies this week for their improving learning behaviours. Class 8 also received the attendance award this week too for having the best attendance in school, well done!
These two Y4 swimmers were the proud recipients of a certificate today from their swimming teachers at Royston. Well done girls for your fantastic efforts in the pool.
This young man in Y6 has produced an exceptional piece of writing that is worthy of a place on our writing display in Reception. Congratulations on such a fantastic piece!
Meet our Learners of the Week. What a wonderful group of young people who have demonstrated some fantastic behaviours and attitudes this week. These have included being a wonderful role model, cheering and encouraging others, oozing positivity and trying their absolute best. Well done!
This young lady is the first recipient of a swimming certificate, awarded by the swimming instructors at Royston this afternoon.
Congratulations on your hard work!
Congratulations on your hard work!
Meet our very first recipients of a Learner of the Week award for 2024-25. What a fantastic group of young people they are. They have demonstrated fantastic learning behaviours, have shown resilience and a positive attitude and been recognised for 'showing up' every day, trying their best and making a difference. Well done to all of you.
After an intensive recruitment process which included an application and an interview, I am pleased to share with you our new Team Captains. We are immensely proud of everyone who applied and thank them for their efforts as the competition for the positions was high. Congratulations to our new Team Captains, we wish you the very best of luck in your role this year.
Wow Class 6, 99% attendance this week! Congratulations on winning the attendance trophy.
Congratulations to Class 6 and Class 9, winners of the Class of the Week trophies today. It was fabulous to hear about the wonderful learning behaviours being shown, great attitudes and effort being applied. Well done Class 6 and Class 9.
Welcome back to the 2024-25 academic year. We cannot wait to see all the amazing achievements and success that our children will have this year!
2023-24 Academic Year
A MASSIVE congratulations to these young people who have achieved 100% attendance this year! Wow, wow, wow!
Congratulations Class 6 for having the best attendance across school this year! What an achievement!
The annual Y6 water fight! A fun time was had by all as usual. Y6 you have been amazing and we are proud of the young people you have become. Don't forget that while you leave Athersley South this week, you will always have a piece of Athersley South within you and we know you can go on to achieve great things.
What a fantastic day we had! The sun was shining and everyone made a huge effort during sports day. Well done to everyone who took part and a big thank you to everyone who came to support the event.
WOW WOW WOW! What an amazing whole school effort beginning with 'Arts Week' in May, culminating in two performances across two nights this week. We are SO proud of our children and what they achieve. A huge thanks too to our all our staff, without who none of this would be possible #teamASPS
Congratulations to all our Learners of the Week this week who have been amazing! They are great role models to others and have shown really positive learning behaviours.
In assembly today we introduced our new therapy dog, Remedy. She's even got a school uniform, how fabulous does she look! She will be visiting us every week and we are SO excited!
Congratulations to all our Learners of the Week this week. They are all fantastic and have been working super hard in areas across the curriculum.
Class 4 and Class 6 received the Class of the Week trophies today for their AMAZING efforts this week. Well done to both classes.
What a fabulous morning F2 have had! Despite the weather stopping their teddy bears picnic from being held outside, they have had a fabulous time in the hall being creative, sharing stories and eating some yummy treats! A HUGE thank you to all the grown ups who were able to join us, we hope you had as much fun as the children. If you look on the EYFS blog page you will be able to see some more photos.
Year 5 and 6 performed their Metrodome concert pieces to the rest of the school. We were amazed by the fantastic percussive rhythms and the melodies in the brass. The audience were really impressed by how well the children played as an ensemble and can't wait until they are able to learn to play as well.
This young lady in Y1 has produced a marvellous piece of writing, detailing KS1's recent trip to Eureka. She has used punctuation successfully and her choice of vocabulary is certainly fit for purpose. Her work is now proudly displayed on our writing stars display for all to see. Well done!
Meet this week's Learner of the Week award winners. There were so many wonderful nominations this week including 'for showing care and curiosity when learning about minibeasts', 'for always showing enthusiasm', 'working hard in her writing and looking for improvements to make'. One thing is for certain, all awards were thoroughly deserved. Well done everyone!
What a fantastic group of learners we have in these photos. Class 5 received the KS2 class of the week award for having 'a cracker of a week' and they also won the attendance trophy, so a great week for Class 5. Class 2 received the KS1 trophy for their super class assembly and their behaviour on their visit to Eureka. Well done to both classes. The Learners of the Week have received their awards for a number of reasons including showing super learning behaviours, improvements in attitude and learning and their writing, not to mention being inquisitive about caterpillars!! Well done all.
These children recently entered an art competition entitled 'Paws, Claws, Tales and Roars' for The Cooper Art Gallery in Barnsley. Over 300 children from across Barnsley entered and the standard was exceptionally high. Unfortunately, none of our entries were chosen as the winner of the competition but each of the children did receive a certificate for their fantastic efforts. Their work is now on an electronic display in the art gallery too and we are very proud of them all. Well done everyone.
What a fantastic group of children we have here and their smiles say it all. They have all been selected as Learners of the Week in their class and nominations this week included their enthusiasm and love of learning, their increased use of language and engagement in conversation, contributing positively to their classroom along with fabulous writing and maths work. Well done to each of you.
Meet our Class of the Week trophy winners. F2 have been demonstrating their increased maturity this week, becoming more independent in the dining room and preparing for their transition to KS1 in the Autumn. Class 9 meanwhile have been working their socks off, producing some phenomenal writing. Well done to F2 and Class 9.
Meet these wonderful children who have achieved Learner of the Week this week. Amongst their skills they have demonstrated amazing maths and writing skills, persevering with their learning when it is tricky and growing in confidence. Well done to everyone.
We are delighted to share with you this week's Learners of the Week. They have been working exceptionally hard in various areas of the curriculum including demonstrating marvellous maths skills, working hard to improve their behaviour and attitude to learning, showing improved handwriting and being kind and caring towards others. Well done.
We were delighted to welcome Lisa from Tesco into school today. Following our participation in their checkout token scheme, we were successful in being awarded £500. This will pay for a fabulous reading shed to go in our quiet area outside and allow children the opportunity to access books outside at break and lunch time. Our reading shed was delivered earlier this week, but unfortunately was found to be damaged when unpacked. We hope the replacement will arrive very soon. Everyone at Athersley South would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Tesco for their donation to our school.
Meet this wonderful writer from Class 2. He has put in tremendous effort in order to produce a fabulous piece of work and we are very proud of him. Well done!
Meet our Learners of the Week. There has been some great weighing happening in F1 this week, with enthusiastic learners. Across the rest of school we also have some marvellous mathematicians, some children who have been demonstrating great learning behaviours including good listening and contributing fantastic ideas to class discussion and we have an amazing artist in our school too. Well done to all of you!
Congratulations to Class 4, winners of the attendance trophy for the second week running! In assembly we also recognised Class 1 and Class 6 for their hard work this week, with both classes winning the Class of the Week award. Class 1 had a super class assembly and they have also been learning some really tricky words. In Class 6 there has been a really big effort to improve, based on feedback with children showing real resilience and maturity. Well done to all 3 classes.
These two young people have demonstrated their AMAZING writing skills and, as such, have been selected to have their work displayed on our Writing Stars display in reception. This will allow everyone to appreciate the quality of their work. Well done to both of you.
Meet our Learners of the Week. Amongst these children we have amazing writers, mathematicians tackling tricky fractions and great attitudes to learning, contributing to class discussions and making every effort possible to improve and develop their learning. Well done everyone.
There was a very close battle in the top 3 this week for best attendance, with Class 4 narrowly ahead and proud winners of the trophy. A shout out too to Class 7 and F2 who were awarded the Class of the Week trophy. F2 have been really attentive in learning about road safety while in Class 7 there has been a huge improvement in attitude and approach to learning with a fabulous team ethic!
This young lady has written a fantastic story, with thoughtful use of language and she has taken great care in her presentation. It is a wonderful piece of writing and it is now on display in our entrance hall for all to see. Well done!
Meet our first Learners of the Week of the summer term. They have been nominated for a range of reasons including having a fabulous attitude to their learning, being a role model to others, showing huge improvements in attitude, effort or the quality of their work and for applying themselves to their learning. Well done all!
These two boys have been awarded the Learner of the Week certificate in F1 and we are really proud of them. They are becoming much more independent and are showing us good learning behaviours in nursery. Well done to both of you!
Congratulations to Class 6 for achieving 99% attendance this week, what a way to begin the Summer Term! A big well done too to Class 5 who were awarded Class of the Week and £5 to bank for a reward. Their attitude to learning and kindness and thoughtfulness towards others this week has not gone unnoticed. Well done Class 5 and Class 6.
We finish the half term with more wonderful Learners of the Week. Amongst them are enthusiastic mathematicians, great writers, individuals who show perseverance, kind friends and children who have shown HUGE improvements in their learning and/or attitude. Well done to all of you!
Class 1 and Class 9 have thoroughly deserved to receive the Class of the Week trophies this week. The children in both classes have been working their socks off, showing resilience and really trying to make improvements day after day. Congratulations to both classes. I wonder how much money they have now collected this year for their class treats? We also said a huge well done to Class 6 in assembly. They were awarded the attendance trophy which this week, in a change to normal, was awarded for best attendance across the TERM. Well done to Classes 1, 6 and 9, what a fabulous way to end the Spring Term.
I have had the very great pleasure of 5 children presenting their writing to me this morning. All these super young people have tried fantastically hard to think about their writing, the content and their presentation, producing super pieces of work. Well done to all of them.
This young lady in Class 6 has written and illustrated a most fabulous story, that I can highly recommend. My only suggested edit was to replace the large bar of chocolate, with a giant bag of crisps (it is well known that Mrs Sanderson loves crisps!). The story is now proudly displayed on our Writing Stars display in the entrance.
This week's Learners of the Week are truly deserving of their award. They have all demonstrated a fantastic attitude towards their learning, some have been working particularly hard to improve their writing and have shown real resilience when things have been tricky. There are also some amazing mathematicians below, who have explained their reasoning and developed their maths skills. We are super proud of them all and looking at those huge smiles, they are rightly proud of themselves too.
Meet the winners and runners up of our World Book Day Competition. We had some fantastic entries with everyone being extremely creative in converting a simple paper plate into a range of story characters and story settings. Well done to everyone who joined in and a huge congratulations to our winners. All entries will soon be on display in the library.
We are so very proud of the 31 children who participated in the Young Voices Concert at Sheffield Arena. After months of preparation and rehearsing, they gave 100% and sang their hearts out. It was an amazing atmosphere to which our children contributed. We are already looking forward to next year!
This young lady in Year 1 has written a fantastic piece of writing that more than deserves to go on our Writing Stars display.
Well done!
Meet our Learners of the Week. They are a fantastic group who have each been recognised for individual achievements including kindness towards others, being a role model to others, amazing writing, showing resilience in their work and always giving 100% We are very proud of each and every one of them.
Class 6 have had an amazing week. Not only are they the winners of the attendance trophy this week, but they also won Class of the Week for their incredible team work and extra kind supportive behaviours in their sewing work project. In F2 the grown ups have also recognised how fabulous their little people have been, remembering the meaning of words from their 'Talk through the day' and saying them in super sentences. Well done F2 and Class 6!
This young lady, in KS1 has produced a fantastic letter which is now displayed on our Writing Stars display in Reception for everyone to admire. We are very impressed with her super sentences and lovely handwriting. Well done!
Meet our Learners of the Week. These children have all been working extra hard this week, trying to write their own name, being great mathematicians, being responsible and helping others, improving their attitude to learning and giving it their all! Well done to all of them, what a great way to finish the half term.
Class 7 and Class 2 have really deserved to be awarded Class of the Week this week. Great effort, working hard and supporting one another. Well done! Class 7 also won the best attendance award, congratulations for that too!
What a fantastic group of young people we have here! It is always lovely to hear when children are being good friends, supportive learning partners and being enthusiastic in their own learning too. Well done everyone!
Meet this week's Learners of the Week. Many of them have been trying super hard in Read Write Inc and we also have some marvellous mathematicians and amazing writers! They are all super enthusiastic in their learning too, which is wonderful to hear! Well done all.
Congratulations to this young lady. She has written an amazing non chronological report about a newly discovered planet. It is fabulous and her work is now published on our writing stars wall!
Marvellous Mathematician
This young man has proudly been showing off his amazing maths work that was completed independently in Class 1. Not only has he shown how talented he is with number, but he has also modelled perfect presentation - with one digit per box and appropriately spaced out work.
This young man has proudly been showing off his amazing maths work that was completed independently in Class 1. Not only has he shown how talented he is with number, but he has also modelled perfect presentation - with one digit per box and appropriately spaced out work.
Meet our Learners of the Week from F2 to Y6. They have been working extremely hard this week, demonstrating great learning behaviours, trying their best, being brave and resilient and producing work to a really high standard. Well done to each of you!
These two superstars from F1 have been selected as Learners of the Week this week. We are super proud of them and love how much enthusiasm they have for learning. Well done to you both!
This young man has just completed his first portfolio piece of writing and just look how super it is!
It is now on our writing display in the entrance hall for everyone to admire! Well done.
It is now on our writing display in the entrance hall for everyone to admire! Well done.
Meet our first Learners of the Week of 2024! What a super talented amazing group of children we have. Increased confidence, being more independent, kind and supporting others with their learning and making amazing progress too. Well done everyone.
Class 5 have amazed Miss Jewkes and Mrs Gollick this week. They have settled back into routines well, remembering their fantastic learning behaviours. In particular they have shown resilience, especially when finding things tricky (like sewing). They certainly deserve the Class of the Week trophy.
Class 4 just managed to beat Class 9 to the attendance award this week with a brilliant 98.5% attendance. Keep it up Class 4!
Our Librarians are an important part of our school and they willingly give up their time to support others with reading as well as maintaining the library with Mrs Wheelwright and Miss Taylor. They were super pleased today to receive their official librarian lanyards and one commented, "I feel really professional like I have a really important job to do" which is exactly right, they are very important young people and and their roles are important. Thank you to all our librarians for your enthusiasm and commitment.
Congratulations to these individuals who have all been awarded a Learner of the Week Award. Excellent explanations in maths, amazing learning behaviours, being fabulously conscientious and improved presentation are all worthy nominations. Well done to you all.
Meet our little superstars who have been awarded Learner of the Week in F1. They have both been trying super hard and have been enthusiastic in their learning this week, their proud smiles say it all. Well done!
This young man has written a very powerful letter, using some wonderful language and, as such, his writing has now been added to our whole school display.
Congratulations to Class 4 for your amazing attendance, securing you the attendance trophy this week. A HUGE well done too to Class 2 and Class 8. Fabulous learning behaviours , superb engagement across the curriculum and great attitudes.
Congratulations to this Y6 child who now has their work displayed on our writing stars board for all to see. He has been working exceptionally hard and is super proud of his writing, as are we.
This young superstar has been independently writing, including a 'red' word. Well done!
Congratulations to Class 7 who were the attendance trophy winners AGAIN this week!
A huge well done to Class 1 too, who have been trying really hard to improve their learning behaviours, receiving the KS1 Class of the Week Award while Class 9 were the KS2 winners. They have been working collaboratively with peers, providing constructive criticism and showing amazing skills in doing so.
A huge well done to Class 1 too, who have been trying really hard to improve their learning behaviours, receiving the KS1 Class of the Week Award while Class 9 were the KS2 winners. They have been working collaboratively with peers, providing constructive criticism and showing amazing skills in doing so.
What a wonderful group of young children we have here. Fabulous effort, wonderful writing, being a delight to teach and lots of positive and enthusiastic learning behaviours on display. Well done to all our Learners of the Week.
It was a pleasure to see some of our children, alongside Laithes Primary pupils, at the St. Helen's Christmas Lights Switch on and to hear the beautiful carol singing. Thank you to everyone who joined the event.
Meet our amazing Athersley STARS! Fabulous attitudes to learning, amazing work, independence, mature attitude and resilience were just some of the super words on the nominations this week! Congratulations to you all
It's been a super week for Class 7. They were nominated as Class of the Week AND achieved the highest attendance in school too. Well done to you all!
Class 3 meanwhile have been demonstrating fabulous learning behaviours and are also working hard to learn the songs for their nativity in a few weeks.
Class 3 meanwhile have been demonstrating fabulous learning behaviours and are also working hard to learn the songs for their nativity in a few weeks.
This week our Year 3 and Year 4 children visited Yorkshire Sculpture Park. They had a fantastic day (you can see photos on their class blogs) and, despite the windy weather, were able to explore much of the park and participate in an interesting workshop with the centre staff. Everyone, including the Yorkshire Sculpture Park staff commented on the exemplary behaviour and enthusiasm shown by all our children. We are very proud of them and the positive way in which they represented our school. As such, in recognition of this, this week the Class of the Week Award was given to Class 4, 5 AND 6!
Congratulations to Class 5 on your fabulous attendance this week, achieving over 98%
Well done to the whole school as well as we have seen improvement in all classes.
Well done to the whole school as well as we have seen improvement in all classes.
Congratulations to this week's Learners of the Week, what a fantastic group of children. Improving confidence, insightful and creative ideas, and super learning behaviours were just some of the nominations. Well done to you all
Here is another AMAZING writer! What a talented group of young people I have had the pleasure of meeting in the last few days! Our writing stars display is now full, but we continue to look for new pieces to add to the board.
Meet an amazing Class 6 writer! She has written a super diary entry and has used some great vocabulary throughout! Mrs Belfield was SO impressed she selected her work to be displayed in our entrance area on the writing display. Well done!
Our maths ambassadors were refining their skills this week after some training to prepare for their new role. They were all really excited and couldn't wait to get started in supporting some of our LKS2 children and sharing their love of all things maths! We think they are going to be fabulous.
Congratulations to our Learners of the Week who dined on Top Table today and received a certificate in assembly. They have shown real enthusiasm for learning this week, working hard in writing, fabulous engagement in maths, demonstrating good listening and taking pride in their work. Well done!
Congratulations to Class 6 and Class 3 who have been awarded the Class of the Week trophies this week. Class 6 have been working extra specially hard and producing some amazing writing. Class 3 meanwhile have been trying very hard with their learning behaviours and making an effort to show good listening and helping each other to make good choices. Well done!
Congratulations to Class 7. Attendance has been high across school this week but Class 7 took the trophy with 99% attendance.
Which class will be the first to get 100%?
Which class will be the first to get 100%?
This young lady has been working super hard to improve her letter formation and she has seen amazing results. Well done.
This young man has completed a fantastic piece of descriptive writing, it is AMAZING and is now on display in our entrance hall for all to see :)
Mrs Belfield recently advertised for some maths ambassadors in school. There was significant interest in the positions and a number of children applied for the role. Following a comprehensive recruitment and selection process, we can now announce that these six children will be our ambassadors this year. Congratulations to both those appointed and every individual who applied.
Our Trust hosted a TT Rockstars competition this week. 10 schools participated and we are thrilled to announce we achieved third place! Well done to everyone for joining in and being committed to our team. The children below were our top three performing individuals within school, showing real determination and perseverance. Fantastic work!
School attendance was much improved this week as the half term comes to a close, well done to everyone who was rewarded with a sticker! Congratulations too to Class 9 for achieving the best class attendance.
Our Learners of the Week this week have been producing some marvellous maths work, some wonderful writing and we even had one child identified as an 'always' child, always being fabulous and producing his best effort. A huge congratulations to all of you, be proud.
For their maturing attitudes towards learning, and working hard as a team, Class 8 were nominated for the Class of the Week Award. Well done to everyone!
Our Learners of the Week have many positive attributes in common this week with comments such as 'ALWAYS trying their very best" and "being a great role model to others". We are very proud of you all, congratulations.
Congratulations to Class 5 and Class 2 for being awarded the Class of the Week Award this week. Amazing friendship, following school rules and great effort led to their nominations. Well done to both classes.
Congratulations to Class 7 and Class 8 for AMAZING attendance this week and being joint top of our attendance league.
These three children have been selected by their class teachers for their amazing writing which is now on display in our Reception area. Well done!
Meet our Learners of the Week who have enjoyed their lunch on Top Table today. Some fantastic nominations recognising amazing and mature attitudes to learning, significant improvements in writing, drawing a map of the school, including a key and for giving everything their best effort. Well done everyone.
Congratulations to Class 7 and Class 1 this week who have claimed the Class of the Week trophies. Class 7 have shown vast improvements in their maturity and attitude, while Class 1 have risen to their PHSCE challenge, showing true kindness and friendship towards others.
Congratulations Class 6 for your super attendance this week!
This young lady in Class 1 has been amazing us with her writing! She has been forming her letters beautifully and really trying. Well done!
These young people are our Learners of the Week and they have been working tremendously hard.....'mixing watercolour paints to create a realistic painting of a magpie.....'persevering with their learning'........'always trying their best'.......'wonderful editing'......and a fabulous collage. Well done everyone.
Class 3 have been persevering with their assessments this week and showing real effort with their learning. Class 6 meanwhile have been having wonderful discussions in their history work. They have listened well to one another, agreeing predictions and justified their ideas. Mr Brayshaw has also commented on their ability to move around school so sensibly too, something which I too noticed. For their super effort, Class 3 and Class 6 received the Class of the Week trophies this week. Well done.
Congratulations to Class 9 who had the best attendance this week and, as such, have received our new attendance trophy!
Meet this amazing superstar! Despite only being in F2 for a few weeks, he has been writing letters himself this morning, all by himself!
What fabulous work. Well done, we are very proud of you!
What fabulous work. Well done, we are very proud of you!
Meet our first Learners of the Week for 2023-24. What a fantastic group of young people who have started the year tremendously! We hope you enjoyed your lunch on Top Table.
We finish the year with some super Learners of the Week! Working their socks off right up until the end! What a fantastic way to finish the year. Well done!
These children received our Y6 sports awards and what worthy winners they are. Resilience, sportsmanship and enthusiasm are just three of their qualities. Well done!
The Pirates of the Curry Bean! Our first whole school performance in 4 years and WHAT a performance it was! Absolutely outstanding and an absolutely wonderful effort by everyone. Thank you to the whole school for contributing and being SO fantastic.
Congratulations to our AMAZING Learners of the Week who have been nominated by their teachers this week. We have some wonderful, kind and supportive friends, increased confidence and outstanding performances in the show and in learning. Well done everyone :)
Class 3 have been recognised as Class of the Week this week. They showed exemplary behaviour on their visit to the Zoo, ask some really super questions are were respectful towards others. Well done!
We would like to say a HUGE congratulations to these two Y5 girls. Our school recently entered Fusion and Barnsley Museum’s Light and Soul Art Competition which was open to all Barnsley Schools. There were around 200 entries and ASPS are proud that two of our entries were chosen as winners. Their work will now be displayed at until 7th October. Last night our winners attended the opening night and were presented with a prize from the Mayor of Barnsley. Absolutely fabulous girls, well done!
Meet our Learners of the Week. They have received their certificate this afternoon and they are very well deserved. Independent learning, sharing fabulous ideas, demonstrating perseverance and being a role model to others were just some of this week's nominations. Well done everyone.
Congratulations to Class 6 and Class 1 who have been awarded the Class of the Week trophies this week! Class 1 are also the class with the best attendance this week so an extra super week for them!
As you will be aware, throughout May, the money raised from the sale of donated books bought from behind the tills at Tesco were to be donated to ourselves. We are over the moon to announce that Tesco have now presented us with a donation of £291 which is AMAZING!! Mrs Severn, who organised this fundraiser is pictured below, collecting the cheque! Thank you to anyone who supported either with the donation of books, or in buying any. We will be spending this money on more books for children in school.
Meet this week's Learners of the Week. They have shown enthusiasm for learning, perseverance when things have been tricky, positive attitudes to learning and some great maths skills! Well done everyone, you are fab!
This young man's writing is simply super! He has been working hard all year to develop his handwriting, vocabulary and ideas and his latest piece of writing has impressed us all. Well done!
Meet this week's Learners of the Week. This week's nominations have included amazing mathematicians, children ALWAYS trying their absolute best, great work across the curriculum and some fabulous writing, including a rhetorical question in Y1! Congratulations to each of our award winners.
Congratulations to Class 8 who were awarded the Class of the Week trophy today. They have been collaborating exceptionally well and Miss Scholes has been overjoyed to hear children offering one another constructive criticism about their writing. What a fabulous class they are! Well done.
Meet our Learners of the Week who have each been nominated for their amazing efforts. Today we have met marvellous mathematicians who are brilliant at making totals using coins or completing fractions work. We congratulated some resilient learners, and recognised their efforts in writing and other curriculum areas. We also met some kind and caring members of our school and some children who are always willing to share their super ideas and knowledge with others too. Well done everyone!
Congratulations to Class 7 for being awarded Class of the Week. They have shown a huge improvement in the way they move around school, being good role models. More importantly, they have also been showing kindness within the classroom, supporting each other when they have found things tricky.
These children are our first Learners of the Week of the Summer Term. Each of them has demonstrated exceptionally high standards this week and have fully engaged in their learning after the Easter holidays. We are very proud of them all.
A HUGE congratulations to Class 1 and Class 6 for being awarded the Class of the Week trophies! Class 1 thoroughly deserved the trophy after their fantastic efforts in their Class assembly for Parents and Carers. They all contributed to the assembly, speaking, singing and/or showing off their work, well done to all of you. Meanwhile, Class 6 were also worthy winners. They have been learning about fractions this week, a tricky area as we know. However, with great partnership work, talking, supporting and helping one another, they have achieved some great results. Fantastic!
What a fantastic way to end the half term, having my lunch with these wonderful children. As Learners of the Week they have shown great effort, friendship to one another and produced some exceptional work. I cannot wait to see how they continue to shine after the Easter holiday! Well done everyone.
It has been eggciting walking around school today to see all the eggcellent entries for the Easter Egg competition! All the entries can be viewed on the pupil-class blog pages. After much deliberation, some tense judging and voting, the winners were chosen by the school council. Thank you to Tesco for providing us with prizes for all of our super winners and a HUGE well done to them!
We would like to say THANK YOU! to Tesco who very kindly donated a number of chocolate eggs ahead of our Easter egg decorating competition next week. Mrs Severn collected them on our behalf.
As part of world book day all of the children were given the task of designing a bookmark linked to their favourite story. Here are our winners that were chosen by the year 6 school librarians. Well done to everyone that took part, there were some amazing entries, the librarians has a difficult job narrowing it down!
What a wonderful group of children we have welcomed to Top Table this week. Each one identified as the Learner of the Week in their class for their attitude and work this week. Well done to all of you!
Please join us in recognising the success of our wonderful athletes. We have qualified for the South Yorkshire finals and will represent Barnsley as one of only two school from our are.
Meet our Learners of the Week, marvellous mathematicians, amazing readers and children with super attitudes to learning. Well done everyone.
Class 1 and Class 7 have been awarded the Class of the Week trophies this week. Great collaboration and care shown to one another too. Super!
Our Learners of the Week this week have been working tremendously hard showing resilience when things have been tricky as well as helping one another. We also celebrated some amazing artists, sportspeople and readers! Well done everyone.
Meet the representatives from the classes chosen this week to be Class of the Week. Our young children have been showing much more respect towards each other, especially at carpet time, whereas our KS2 class this week have been setting an example to follow with their behaviour and working super hard when writing their stories.
Since September our Glee Club have been excitedly preparing for their performance at the Young Voices Concert at Sheffield Arena tonight, and what a performance it was! We are all incredibly proud of the dedication and commitment the children have shown to preparing and practising the songs ahead of the show. Add to this their impeccable behaviour throughout the afternoon and evening, and it is fair to say we could not ask for any more. Well done every one of you for representing Athersley South so brilliantly. On behalf of the children and Parents I would also like to say thank you to the staff who have given their time to prepare with the children and to join them this evening at the concert.
Our F1 children who stay all day are really super, enjoying their lunch in the main dining room before returning to F1 for their afternoon session where they are joined by lots more friends.
This week we celebrate children who have shown great friendship and kindness towards others, have been enthusiastic and engaged in their learning and, when things have got tricky, have shown real resilience and determination. Well done everyone!
Class 1 have been super in PE this week and really brave too, performing their dances in front of the whole class. Well done Class 1 and congratulations on being awarded Class of the Week!
A huge well done to this superstar this week. He has taken his interest in birds to the next level by making a humane bird catcher, a bird feeder and has even been out bird spotting and using his phonics to record what he has seen. You are amazing!
Meet our AMAZING Learners of the Week. We have some talented dancers, pupils with great resilience and lots of positive attitudes and great learning. Well done everyone!
Congratulations to Class 3 and Class 6 for amazing learning this week. Class 3 loved the visit from Florence Nightingale this week and Class 6 have shown real resilience!
What amazing ASPS 'STARS' we have this week. these children have been awarded the Learner of the Week award by their class teachers and we are very proud of them. Making good choices, helping others as well as being great learners themselves were among the reasons for their nominations this week and the word resilience was also mentioned more than once! Well done all of you, I thoroughly enjoyed dining with you all on our Top Table at lunchtime.
Congratulations to Class 2 and Class 9 for achieving the Class of the Week award this week. Class 2 have been working super hard and have helped a new member of their class to settle in quickly. Class 9 meanwhile have really improved since Christmas and are taking ownership and responsibility for their learning. Well done!
We are so very proud of our F1 children who now stay with us all day. They are SO sensible when they walk over to school and back for their lunch. We are also very grateful to one of our parents who has made us a 'walking bus' to support the children in staying together in a line.
Our children have amazed us again this week by competing in and winning the area qualifier for indoor athletics. We have now qualified for the city final! As well as being immensely talented our children were model pupils and represented our school as a team and with pride. Well done all!
Meet this week's Swimmer of the Week. We are very proud of her, as are the swimming instructors. Well done!
Meet our Learners of the Week, what a fantastic group of young people! There were lots of common themes this week on the nominations, resilience and amazing maths skills, being supportive and kind and caring and having a great attitude. Well done to you all!
Congratulations to Class 4 who have been awarded Class of the Week. You have really being showing a great attitude to learning, taking responsibility and producing some super writing!
In F2 this week the children have been reading a story including two llamas who have encountered a few disasters, resulting in them arriving at the jumper shop too late to get a jumper. So, the two llamas worked together to design and make their own. Inspired by this story, this super young lady has designed and then made her very own skirt! What a star!
Our first Swimmer of the Week 2023 is pictured below and he has really impressed this week, remembering everything he had been taught prior to Christmas. Well done superstar!
Class 1 showed exemplary behaviour when the gritter came to visit this week and Class 5 have worked incredibly hard, showing amazing maths skills and a real positive attitude to learning. Very worthy winners of the Class of the Week trophy today!
I was delighted to eat my lunch today alongside our first group of Learners of the Week for 2023. They have shown real resilience, a positive attitude to learning, have been kind and caring, supporting one another and are really showing all the wonderful qualities of a great learner. Well done everyone!
We are SO excited to announce that one of our Y1 pupils has won a local competition to name one of Barnsley Council's new gritters. Her entry, 'Monk Grit-on', was selected from a huge number of entries and we are really proud of her! Today we were visited by the council and they brought the new gritter for us to look at. It was very exciting!
It was my absolute pleasure during the Christmas break to be able to visit The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield to watch a performance that included one of our pupils. She was absolutely fab and it was a very proud moment for me to see her performing on stage! Well done :)
Congratulations to all these children who achieved 100% attendance this term.
We are also super proud of a further 64 children who were above the school target of 97%
We are also super proud of a further 64 children who were above the school target of 97%
Goodbye Mrs Walton.
All at ASPS would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Walton for all she has done for us over the last 15 years. As she moves on to her next adventure she leaves with our love and best wishes.
All at ASPS would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Walton for all she has done for us over the last 15 years. As she moves on to her next adventure she leaves with our love and best wishes.
Meet our swimmer of the week! What a star impressing Courtney with her sabulous swimming!
Well done to the Falcons, the winners of the team competition this term. This amazing team have thoroughly enjoyed an afternoon with a movie with plenty of treats. Come on to all of the other teams for next half term.
Meet our Learners of the Week and Top Table diners for this week. What a fabulous group of individuals with great attitudes to learning, marvellous maths skills and fabulous behaviour. They are all real role models for others. Well done!
The KS1 staff have been hugely impressed by the effort this young lady has shown in her writing lately. Her writing is gorgeous and she is spotting and correcting her own errors. Well done!
Miss Pell and the EYFS staff have been super pleased with this young man today who has drawn a picture AND written a sentence about it all by himself!
Well done.
Well done.
This young lady has really impressed Rob, one of our swimming teachers, this week. She more than deserves her Swimmer of the Week certificate!
It has been wonderful this afternoon to meet our fantastic Learners of the Week in assembly.
They also dined on Top Table today. Keep up the amazing work all of you!
They also dined on Top Table today. Keep up the amazing work all of you!
Meet our Swimmers of the Week. Well done to you both, you are fab!
A big well done to our amazing Learners of the Week this week. A number of children were identified for their resilience and attitude to their work, their great maths skills and wonderful writing, not to mention some super sewing! I loved hearing all about your great work on Top Table.
Congratulations to Class 6 who have been fabulous, supportive learning partners and to Class 1 who have been super scientific investigators this week. You more than deserve the trophy!
A huge WELL DONE to Class 9 and Class 3 this week who have been awarded the Class of the Week trophies and £5 to bank.
Congratulations to our Learners of the Week who enjoyed their lunch on Top Table today! They are all fabulous and we are all exceptionally proud of them.
This young man was identified this week as our Swimmer of the Week. Well done!
We are also super proud of all our children who are trying hard week in, week out.
We are also super proud of all our children who are trying hard week in, week out.
We had a fabulous day today as Anti Bullying Week was launched with 'Odd Socks Day'. Thanks to everyone for making such a super effort!
Bernard has been back to visit us again. We really do love to see him and, as it was his birthday recently, we presented him with some birthday treats this week!
Congratulations to both Class 2 and Class 7 who are our classes of the week this week. Both of the classes have shown maturity in their learning and have been resilient.
In F2 this morning the chldren have been outside talking about bonfires. This young man was very enthusiastic and led the bonfire singing!
Meet our Learner of the Week in F1 this morning. She is such an enthusiastic learner and happy during her time in F1.
Wow, what an achievement for this young lady, starring in the ASDA Christmas magazine this year!
This young man has been trying exceptionally hard with his reading and we are super proud of his excellent attitude and commitment. He was SO excited to complete a reading test so he could show just how much progress he is making. Well done!
We are always exceptionally proud to hear of achievements out of school and this week one of our pupils attended Barnsley Town Hall to receive an award. Well done!
This week's swimmer of the week has been trying particularly hard this week, well done!
Congratulations to all our superstars this week who have been on Top Table and received a Learner of the Week certificate!
This young man has worked hard to achieve his pen licence and today received his Learner of the Week certificate to recognise his increased efforts!
Congratulations to F2 and Class 5 for their amazing efforts this week, becoming more independent and making good choices. Keep it up!
Mrs Walch and her helpers have been harvesting their crops this lunchtime and what an array of vegetables we have! Congratulations to all involved.
In RWI in F2 this week some of the children have been have been talking about the 'r' sound. Following group time, this little superstar has been applying her learning, writing cvc words that begin with the 'r' sound independently. Well done!
This young lady was recognised as our swimmer of the week this week. Well done!
Meet this week's 'Swimmer of the Week'. She is trying really hard to be brave and to have the confidence to
immerse her face in water and everyone is proud of her efforts :)
immerse her face in water and everyone is proud of her efforts :)
We were delighted to welcome Bernard into school today and a number of children spent time with him.
We must've worn him out as he needed a nap before he went!
We must've worn him out as he needed a nap before he went!
Today we have celebrated some extra-AMAZING children in school. It was a pleasure to hear about their positive attitudes, their contribution to their class and individual improvements. Well done to all of our Learners of the Week this week, I thoroughly enjoyed sharing lunch time with you :) Congratulations too to
Class 3 for winning the Class of the Week trophy for their improved attitude to learning and increased independence!
Class 3 for winning the Class of the Week trophy for their improved attitude to learning and increased independence!
This young man has produced an amazing opening to his writing and he was rightly proud of his work!
Today was 'Hello Yellow' day and what a fantastic effort was made by all, the school was flooded in yellow. Thank you to everyone who supported and donated. At lunchtime, Mrs Walch led breathing exercises (rainbow breathing) with KS1, had feelings discussions with LKS2 and had a discussion with UKS2 about how we can help ourselves manage difficult feelings, with children contributing lots of their own lovely ideas.
Congratulations to Class 5 and Class 1 who are our Class of the Week winners this week. Class 5 have been showing much improved listening skills this week while in Class 1 the children have been learning the importance of not giving up, even when things are tricky. Well done all.
These Learners of the Week are absolutely super. With their positive attitudes to school, enthusiasm for learning and beautifully presented work, they are really showing how fabulous they are! Well done everyone.
Our Y5/6 children have been given their Learner of the Week certificates early this week as they are on a trip tomorrow. We are very proud of their politeness, their efforts, improved confidence and all round loveliness!
Super effort at after school club this week!
Meet this week's swimmer of the week! What a star :)
Meet our Learners of the Week who have impressed their teachers this week. They are all fabulous and I thoroughly hearing about their learning over lunch on the top table.
Congratulations to our Class of the Week! Class 3 have really impressed Mrs Smith this week, trying really hard to improve how they settle down to lessons and lining up quietly too!
WOW, just wow! Just look at this amazing art :) I think we have a famous artist of the future in our midst!
Meet this week's 'Swimmer of the Week' selected by the team of swimming instructors.
They think she is trying super hard and are very proud of her progress in just a few weeks.
They think she is trying super hard and are very proud of her progress in just a few weeks.
I was amazed this morning to see and hear a very creative story written by one of youngest members of school. Alongside some super illustrations, he was able to tell me the story in great detail and it was fab! Well done.
Meet our Learners of the Week. They have all been showing a really positive attitude to school and learning and we are super proud of them all. It was a real pleasure to sit and talk about their great work over lunchtime. Keep it up!
Class 2 and Class 6 have won the Class of the Week trophies this week. Miss Baranski has been really impressed with the improvements in the way in which Class 2 move around school while Mrs Belfield was amazed by the fabulous instruction writing that Class 6 have produced. Well done!
This young man has been really trying hard to improve his handwriting and it is really making a difference! I feel a pen licence may be on the horizon soon if he keeps it up :)
These two Y4 boys have been super at swimming and won this week's certificates and a free swim pass! Each week from now on another child will be identified each week for their super swimming, if you are in Y4 could it be you?
Class 6 and Class 7 have been AMAZING this week! Moving around school, organising their resources, improved attendance, improving the presenttation of their work and so the list goes on. Well done!
Wow, just wow! The writing that these two boys have produced this week has given me goosebumps! Fantastic choice of vocabulary
and really well thought out ideas. Fantastic!
and really well thought out ideas. Fantastic!
Our first Class of the Week winners for 2022-23 were announced today with Class 1 and Class 8 the very worth winners. With excellent behaviours around school and settling in so well, we look forward to how amazing these classes can continue to be, what a super start !Both claim the trophy for a week and also receive £5 to put in their class bank.
Top Table is back!! It is almost two years since we were able to have our Top Table in the dining room, but I am delighted to say today I was able to sit and enjoy lunch with all of our amazing Learners of the Week. It was fabulous. Congratulations for all your hard work this week :)
After a successful application and interview process, meet our newly appointed Team Captains. A huge well done to all who applied and gave their best.
Our annual sports awards were presented today - congratulations to everyone!
Congratulations to the Vultures team who won our Sports Day and were presented with the trophy in our last assembly of the year today.
The Vultures team enjoyed their end of term treat today, exploring and creating with the contents of the scrap shed followed by an ice cream!
Today our Y6 children participated in the annual end of year water fight, what fun they had!
Congratulations to our Learners of the Week who have shown excellent leadership skills in PE, marvellous maths, super speed in writing and an amazing attitude to school.
As well as celebrating everything Spanish today, we still managed to find time to celebrtate our Learners of the Week too! Congratulations to these children who have shown great improvements, wonderful reading, fantastic PE skills and phenomenal progress across the year. Well done all.
As part of Barnsley's music festival we took a dedicated and talented bunch of children to the vocal celebration. Our amazing children performed seven songs in front of a large crowd and multiple other schools. They represented the school with pride and were all amazing!
As part of the Queen's Jubilee celebrations, the Government have funded a special book for all children of Primary school age. These have now arrived in school and will be distributed this week.
These children were each selected for a Learner of the Week certificate this week. Nominations included, "she radiates warmth and kindness....", "exceptionally hardworking..." and "incredible high jump skills." What an amazing group of young people they are. Well done everyone!
We were privileged to be invited to St. Mary's Church in Barnsley this week to perform a poem at the Mayor's Inauguration Service. We were super proud of all the children, but especially two who stepped in at the last minute. You were fabulous and a great advert for our school.
Meet this week's Learners of the Week. With their wonderful attitudes to learning, fantastic PE skills, super reading and inquisitive nature and listening skills on an educational visit, it is clear their certificates are more than well deserved. Well done everyone!
When Big Bernard met Little Bernard! We were delighted to have Bernard, a therapy dog in school for a visit today. He and Lucy were delighted to meet Little Bernard who Miss Taylor has provided to live in school all the time. We are very much looking forward to working with Bernard and Lucy in the future :)
WOW, what fun we have had today celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee! This week we have been tempted by the delicious aromas from the art room as classes have prepared food for today and the building has been decorated beautifully by the children to add to the party feeling. Unfortunately, the British weather was typically awkward so we changed our picnic to an indoor 'street party'. This last minute change did not stop everyone having a fab time, devouring the prepared food and enjoying time together. Well done everyone for a fantastic event :)
KS1 children have been writing persuasive letters and they are particularly passionate about recycling. This week they presented Mrs Larkin and the members of school council with some letters explaining what more they think school can and should be doing to save our planet :) We will wait and see what school council's response is....
Mrs Walch's gardening group have been busy since January, clearing away old plants and rotten leaves and now planting lots of lovely things for us to look forward to in the coming months, including tomatoes and pumpkins. The children are working really well as a team, developing their gardening skills and also using the time to talk to their friends. We are very proud of how much they have achieved in the past few months. Their hard work has been rewarded by the RHS as they have already succeeded in meeting the criteria for Level One AND Level two in the RHS School Gardening Awards. Hopefully, with continued hard work these children can work all the way to Level Five.
We have seen some great learning in school this week and it has also been lovely today to hear about children being good friends to one another. Well done to all our super Learners of the Week this week, you are fantastic. Keep up the good work!
We were recently asked to participate in a poster competition in conjunction with Barnsley Council who wished to promote site safety on a building site close to our school where they are building new houses. Today, Sara from the council joined our assembly and announced that our school had not one, but THREE winners! Each received a goody bag and a big WELL DONE from all of us!
This young lady has written a superb persuasive letter to school council stating her case for school to become more proactive in recycling waste. I don't think they will be able to ignore what she has said as she has written a very strong case, including facts and evidence. I think Sir David Attenborough would be VERY impressed. Well done!
After more than two years we were delighted to welcome back Mr Kay for a face to face assembly this afternoon. Not only did he share another super story with us, we were also able to have a sing-a-long. We look forward to his return in a few weeks when he has also promised that he will include one of his infamous quizzes :)
Our wonderful children and staff thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Sheffield arena to take part in the Young Voices concert. A great deal of fun was had by all and the children all behaved in an exemplary manner and were positive role models for our school.
This young man has spent a long time working on a piece of writing for his portfolio and his efforts are clearly visible. It's a super piece. We spent some time looking through his writing book and his progress over time has been fabulous. Well done!
WOW, WOW, WOW! I have just been super impressed by this wonderful writing!
This week these two young ladies have been absolutely fabulous in working collaboratively and systematically as a pair in maths with
Mrs Sanderson. They are real marvellous mathematicians!
Mrs Sanderson. They are real marvellous mathematicians!
The Learners of the Week today all have one thing in common, a super atitude to learning! It has been lovely to hear, see and read about their wonderful writing, maths work and improvements in attitude. Well done everyone.
We were excited to welcome members of the Barnsley Music Service's Woodwind Team to school this morning to perform for us. They played a number of pieces and we also found out lots of facts about the instruments they were playing.
Wow, what an amazing group of children. All nominated this week for a Learner of the Week award for their efforts. This week there has ben lots of super maths work happening, improved attitudes to learning and super, kind and friendly children helping others. A real fantastic Friday!
This week's Learner of the Week have impressed with their positive attitudes, wonderful writing and marvellous maths! Well done everyone!
After two long years, we have finally all made it to the hall this afternoon for a whole school Learner of the Week Assembly. It was wonderful to have everyone present in person, with no-one joining virtually this week :)
These children have excelled this week, demonstrating excellence in Rugby, super friendships, fabulous reading, marvellous maths work and more! Well done everyone!
These children have excelled this week, demonstrating excellence in Rugby, super friendships, fabulous reading, marvellous maths work and more! Well done everyone!
This young lady has been very thoughtful and careful in her choice of language and with the presentation of her work. A real role model for others!
A fantastic writer in Y4 this week, well composed work and beautifully written.
This young lady's artwork earned her the Learner of the Week award in her class this week :)
It has been fabulous this week to see these children with their amazing writing! They have really worked hard, thought about their word choices and presentation too. Well done!
More fabulous fundraising! Thank you everyone :)
This young man from F2 was super proud of his tank today, and so he should be! He enthusiastically explained exactly how he had made it and how he had reinforced one part of it to make it strong! What a star!
These three boys in KS1 could not wait to show me their writing this morning.
No wonder they were so proud, it is absolutely super and they all worked independently and presented their work well too. Fantastic!
No wonder they were so proud, it is absolutely super and they all worked independently and presented their work well too. Fantastic!
Thank you from all at Young Minds for supporting our Hello Yellow Day!
Barnsley Covid Memorial
What a proud school we were this afternoon when 5 of our children participated in the unveiling of Barnsley's covid memorial sculpture. Their art work is included in the bronze plague at the bottom of the sculpture and is now a part of history. Wow, what an achievement! We are also super proud of all the children who entered the competition, drawing and celebrating all the key workers who worked throughout the pandemic.
What a proud school we were this afternoon when 5 of our children participated in the unveiling of Barnsley's covid memorial sculpture. Their art work is included in the bronze plague at the bottom of the sculpture and is now a part of history. Wow, what an achievement! We are also super proud of all the children who entered the competition, drawing and celebrating all the key workers who worked throughout the pandemic.
Odd Socks Day
Thank you all so very much for supporting odd socks day 2021.
Taking part in this day together reminds us all it is ok to be different; we should be proud of who we are are celebrate our special uniqueness every day.
This year the theme for the national Anti-Bullying work is - One Kind Word.
We have been talking about kind words we can use to spread happiness and joy and make people in our lives feel good.
Taking part in this day together reminds us all it is ok to be different; we should be proud of who we are are celebrate our special uniqueness every day.
This year the theme for the national Anti-Bullying work is - One Kind Word.
We have been talking about kind words we can use to spread happiness and joy and make people in our lives feel good.
Amazing Artists
Mrs Walton and these superstars from KS2 have had a great time in our new art club.
Two children have impressed me immensely today with their fantastic writing! Great ideas and super neat presentation too. Well done both of you :)
We were delighted to welcome Jim from the Living Streets Charity to whole school assembly today. He was excited to share with everyone details of our involvement in the 'WOW - Walk to School Challenge' that we have signed up for. This academic year, all children are challenged to increase the number of times they walk, scoot or cycle to school. We are looking forward to becoming healthier and improving the environment around us too. If you want to find out more about the charity, visit their website
Well Hello Yellow day has been a HUGE success and a massive thank you to everyone for your efforts. Thank you to the grown ups too for your donations for non uniform day. The money raised will be donated to Young Minds, a very worthy cause. Throughout this week, Mrs Walch has been carrying out wellbeing activities in the quiet area at lunch time. This has included meditation, craft activities, lavendar scented stress balls and a whole host of other activities. Such has been its success Mrs Walch intends to repeat some of these activities from now onwards on a weekly basis.
Wow, wow wow! What a super effort from this young man today with his writing!
This young man is absolutely determined to achieve his pen licence as soon as he possibly can. Miss Stanley has checked today and the standard is definitely high, now she is looking for consistency and then she may be ready to issue a licence.
We are absolutely thrilled to have won not one, but TWO prizes in the Beat the Street competition. Thank you to everyone who walked, ran, cycled or scooted to help us to collect a phenomenal amount of points. This week Nat from Totally Runable presented us with our prizes - a trophy for first place, two certificates and over £200 in vouchers. Truly fantastic!
This young maths first impressed Mrs Roberts with his magical maths and I was equally amazed when I saw how well his maths brain had been working.
This young lady has really impressed us with some wonderful writing this afternoon. What a star!
This young man has been amazing this morning and has completed an extra maths task independently, showing us his super knowledge! Well done, what a start to Y5.
Eat Them to Defeat Them!
As part of our participation in the Eat Them to Defeat Them challenge we were joined by some life size vegetables at lunchtime today! We are super proud of all our children who have been trying various different vegetables over the last few weeks. Well done everyone!
As part of our participation in the Eat Them to Defeat Them challenge we were joined by some life size vegetables at lunchtime today! We are super proud of all our children who have been trying various different vegetables over the last few weeks. Well done everyone!
Who knew vegetables were good at sport! |
All of our amazing children have worked separately to perform a wonderful festive song. A huge thank you goes out to Mrs Roberts for organising and compiling this for us. Christmas number one here we come!
A fantastic well done to everyone who joined in with festive, non-uniform day for Barnsley Hospice. In total we raised £163.18.
Well done to everyone who joined in with our pyjama day for Children in Need. In total we raised £101.36.
A huge thank you to everyone who came to school in odd socks today. We have shown we are united together against bullying in our school. By continuing to work together, show kindness and respect each other, we can make sure every person in our school feels safe, happy and proud to be themselves.
Thanks to the hard work of Mr Gorner the school has a new football kit, it is modelled here by our outstanding Year 5/6 football teams.
Some of our fantastic Foundations Stage children have been having a ball this week and are coping exceptionally well with the enforced changes. Learning is really coming on at a pace and they are embracing their new environment with some new and interesting areas to explore.
Our fabulous Key Worker children have done an amazing job of their gardening project. The fruits of their labours have started to show with our first radish harvest.