In F1 we play outside whatever the weather! We enjoy dressing appropriately for the weather that day and using our senses to comment on our ever, changing outdoor learning environment. Here are some photos of us enjoying playing outdoors this term in lots of different weathers and conditions.
This week we have been looking at number 1. We have talked about what it looks like, how many fingers represent 1, how to count to 1 and singing lots of number rhymes about 1 such as 1 finger, 1 thumb keep moving and 1 little finger. On Friday we made special '1 spoon flapjack' where we had to carefully follow the recipe to make our own individual flapjack using 1 spoonful of different ingredients. It was very yummy!The weather may be cold outside but that hasn't stopped us preparing for the spring. We worked as a team to refill our planting beds with new compost and plant a range of bulbs ready for the spring. We looked at what creatures we could find in the soil and talked about the different sizes and shapes of our bulbs. We hope that we will have a host of beautiful daffodils, tulips, irises and alliums when spring finally arrives. We can't wait to see how the different bulbs create different types of flowers.As part of our on going maths work we have been working on matching and developing our 1:1 correspondence. We have talked about what the words match, same and pair mean. We have matched socks, shoes, shapes and even Numicon pieces to complete tricky jigsaws.
As part of our maths work we have been exploring colours. We have been learning the names of different colours, how to sort by colour and how to mix them. We chose our favourite colours to make colour buns and coloured toast.
November 2024
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