In years 5 and 6, we were lucky enough to receive a visit from the Mayor of Barnsley (Cllr Caroline Makinson) who visited us to award some of our Year 6 children with certificates for a competition that they entered last year. The competition was for children to draw their Key Worker heroes from the Pandemic. The winning entries were then created into a Bronze Relief which has formed part of the Covid Memorial Sculpture and can be seen in Barnsley Town Centre. The five children who also entered, but didn't win were also awarded a certificate. Well done everyone! Whilst the Mayor was here, we also asked if she could present our Learners of the Week certificates which she was more than happy to do. In class 7, we have been started a new unit in Science called Evolution and Inheritance. We have begun to learn what evolution means and just how long it can take for changes to happen! To understand this better, we created our own creature that could survive in our school woodland environment. Mrs Gollick then told us our creature had to evolve as a result of the environment changing. The three different environments were: flooded area, ice age and volcanoes erupting due to global warming. Take a look at our creations and how we chose to evolve them. Here is our class photo from World Book Day. I love how many of the children chose to dress up as their favourite book character. What a day we had! :)