On Friday we were fortunate enough to to have a wonderful visit from our therapy dog Bernard. We love it when Bernard comes to school. Spending time with therapy dogs can improve self esteem, lift moods and help to calm and relax the children. We always have lots of smiley faces around school when Bernard is in the building. In the new year Bernard will be visiting every class to say hello and give the children his ideas on how to stay mentally healthy. Bernard's Wellbeing Tip Of The Week In the past St Bernard dogs worked as Alpine rescue dogs so they are quite used to staying warm in the cold weather. Even so Bernard says when the cold winter weather comes, he loves nothing more than getting snuggled up in his favorite warm PJs and having cuddles with his owners Lucy and Tiffany. He loves spending family time watching Christmas films, making Christmas cards ready to send to his friends, and playing games like charades and snap. It always makes him feel happier. This week after school get wrapped up warm and have some special time with your family. You could even make your own Christmas themed snap cards. The Climb is a parent/carer support group run by our mental health support team Compass be.
The group is for parents/carers who are supporting a child or young person with any kind of emotional or mental health problem to include: ANXIETY LOW MOOD SELF HARM SLEEP PROBLEMS SUICIDAL THOUGHTS EMOTIONAL DIFFICULTIES They are holding monthly meetings in Barnsley for parents/carers to come together to share their experiences, as well as gaining information and support providing you with the tools and encouragement for your climb to support your child’s mental health needs. For more information and dates for 2023 see the link below or contact Mrs Walch. www.compass-uk.org/services/compass-be-barnsley-mental-health-support-team/the-climb/ Baking with family and friends is a fantastic activity to improve your mental health and wellbeing. It will give a sense of achievement, improve concentration and creativity, provide focus, aid relaxation, support relationships and most of all it's lots of fun and tastes good too. Recently, some of the children from gardening club were able to use the carrots and pumpkins they had grown from seeds to bake two delicious cakes. If you would like to try baking at home, take a look at some of the links below with your grown up. We followed the Halloween Pumpkin cake recipe and used the same recipe to make the carrot cake. We just replaced the pumpkin with the same amount of carrot. Please let us know how you get on! www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/halloween-pumpkin-cake www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/curations/cbbc-recipes www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/kids-baking-recipes At Athersley South not only do the pupils care for the wellbeing of themselves and their friends, we also care for the wellbeing of the wildlife that lives on our school grounds. On Friday as we were all leaving school, one of our eagled eyed year 6 pupils spotted a baby hedgehog on the playground. The hedgehog was not very well at all. It was curled in a ball, felt very cold and was not moving very much. The pupil knew exactly what to do and told one of the members of staff on the playground. Thanks to her super wildlife spotting skills and quick response, we were able to get the sick baby hedgehog to Shelley Hedgehogs Rescue Centre where she was immediately put in one of the intensive care incubators. As suspected they confirmed the hedgehog was unfortunately very unwell with a parasitic infection called roundworm. She is very tiny, weighing only 180g, the smallest hogglet in the rescue centre at the moment. This morning we have received a positive update to say she has survived the night and is looking a little better. Hopefully she will continue to improve until she is strong enough to start treatment for the illness. Well done to our wonderful pupils for giving this little hedgehog a chance of survival. We are so proud! Every Friday we will share a wellbeing activity idea for you to try at home. This week its all about getting active in the outdoors. Exercising in the outdoors is a brilliant and essential way to boost your child's emotional wellbeing. Getting active and spending time in nature will help release feel good hormones which will improve mood and help combat anxiety and stress. Sleep will improve which will have a positive effect on how your child feels and behaves. It will also give your child a good sense of achievement and boost confidence and self esteem. Walking, bike riding, playing in the park or garden are all great ways to get active in the local area. See the links below for more ideas. Barnsley junior park run is a 2km run, walk or jog which takes place every Sunday in Locke Park at 9am. Its free to join in. Follow the link for more information. www.parkrun.org.uk/barnsley-juniors/ For a list of parks and open spaces in Barnsley go to www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/parks-and-open-spaces/ Visit wildlifewatch.org.uk for loads of free ideas for staying active while enjoying adventuring in the outdoors. Download wildlife spotting guides and activity guides such as wildlife yoga and puddle jumping. www.wildlifewatch.org.uk/activities?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItNfPlsG4-wIVFWHmCh0RLQl7EAAYAyAAEgJYQvD_BwE Make sure you have lots of fun and tell us all about it on Monday. Do you think your child is feeling anxious or worrying too much?
Everyone feels worried from time to time but if you feel your child is getting overly anxious and worrying too much book on our parent/carer workshop on the 6th of December 2022 9:15am until 11:15am. See the flyer below for details. If you would like more information or help booking a place please speak to Mrs Walch. Open Up Barnsley is a guide to emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people living in Barnsley. Please click on the link below or scan the QR code above to access the guide. /S:/Compass/OPEN-UP-BARNSLEY-2021.pdf
Welcome to our Wellbeing and Mental Health page. Here you will find ideas to help support good mental health and emotional wellbeing at home, along with information on the support which is available in school and in the local area. We will also be sharing the many ways we look after our emotional wellbeing and mental health at Athersley South Primary School so keep checking in for updates on what the children have been getting up to. If you would like any further information or have any concerns about your child’s emotional wellbeing and mental health you can speak to your child’s class teacher and/or contact Mrs Grange our Learning Mentor on 01226 284223 |