Every Friday we will share a wellbeing activity idea for you to try at home. This week its all about getting active in the outdoors. Exercising in the outdoors is a brilliant and essential way to boost your child's emotional wellbeing. Getting active and spending time in nature will help release feel good hormones which will improve mood and help combat anxiety and stress. Sleep will improve which will have a positive effect on how your child feels and behaves. It will also give your child a good sense of achievement and boost confidence and self esteem. Walking, bike riding, playing in the park or garden are all great ways to get active in the local area. See the links below for more ideas. Barnsley junior park run is a 2km run, walk or jog which takes place every Sunday in Locke Park at 9am. Its free to join in. Follow the link for more information. www.parkrun.org.uk/barnsley-juniors/ For a list of parks and open spaces in Barnsley go to www.barnsley.gov.uk/services/parks-and-open-spaces/ Visit wildlifewatch.org.uk for loads of free ideas for staying active while enjoying adventuring in the outdoors. Download wildlife spotting guides and activity guides such as wildlife yoga and puddle jumping. www.wildlifewatch.org.uk/activities?gclid=EAIaIQobChMItNfPlsG4-wIVFWHmCh0RLQl7EAAYAyAAEgJYQvD_BwE Make sure you have lots of fun and tell us all about it on Monday. Comments are closed.