I was really impressed with everyone in Class 8 this week in our dance lesson. The children worked in groups to choreograph their own 1 minute 30 second routine to demonstrate our learning in PE over the last few weeks. Every group incorporated canon, unison and travelling; it was not easy and lots of people felt a bit shy but they were incredibly brave and showed wonderful kindness and support towards each other. It was a real treat to see some excellent leaders shine in the groups too- they really helped out their teams. We have been learning all about Anglo-Saxon Britain in history this week and there were clues hidden all around our classroom so we could find out lots about daily life in the early middle ages. We had to hunt for clues in teams and then work out which (if any) of our questions the information would answer.
It was great fun and we worked incredibly well together. We have created a beautiful display of space art work. First, we explored the colours of the planets using water colours, pencils, chalk and pastels. Then, we tried to recreate the colours of each planet using marbling inks. Initially, it was tricky to get the ink to behave as we wanted but with some good persevering we have created a fabulous solar system display with classes 7 and 9; we are really proud of it. Joseph really brought the story alive in our class today with different characters and anecdotes to help us think about remembrance. It helped us to understand and respect how people's faith can help them through difficult times. Thank you for a great workshop. |